Girls Wine Group!!

A bunch of girlfriends who all have kids at home take one night a month just to be girls. They get away from their normal duties and little ones fighting for their attention to enjoy a night of wine, friends and great conversations. What a great and necessary thing for busy mom’s to do. Each month they try different wines, go dancing or just chill at each other’s houses. Just by spending an hour with them I could tell how much fun they all have together. One of them contacted me about a month ago to see if I could grab a few shots of all of them together. I was so stoked to take their photos. I just knew they would be a wild and crazy bunch of gals! Made me excited for my next girly night.

Here’s to girls, friendship and a night out!

Here they all are! Gorgeous group of women!

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Get to know me!

Hey, I'm Jodi. I've been doing photography for over 15 years. I have three beautiful children, the most supportive husband, a dog Ranger, two cats and chickens. Click here to read more.



